

Original price was: ₹220.00.Current price is: ₹179.00.



1 pump bottle of 12gm spray

Premature ejaculation is a common condition that affects millions (75 percent) of men at one time or another.
ONLY ME SPRAY FOR MAN for men is recommended to anyone who has difficulty achieving full sexual satisfaction because of premature ejaculation. ONLY ME SPRAY FOR MAN  five minutes before making love will Reduces over Sensitivity Gives you a Longer Lasting Erection Increases your Enjoyment and Confidence when Making Love Increase her Enjoyment, Satisfaction and Desire.



Directions for use

Shake container well. Hold the container 5 to 10 cms away from the glans of the penis with arrow of the spray pump pointing towards the area of application. Press the pump 3-4 times to spray ONLY ME spray for men on the glans. Apply on the Head of the penis & nerves on the back side of the penis. For perfect result do not touch the applied area well for 5-7 minutes before the sexual intercourse.

For External Use Only

Each application not to exceed; 10 metered sprays, Discontinue use if irritation develops. Wash off after intercourse. Do not spray in eyes or nostrils.

ONLY ME SPRAY FOR MAN is recommended to anyone who has difficulty achieving full sexual satisfaction because of premature ejaculation. Spraying ONLY ME PLUS five minutes before making love will Reduces over Sensitivity Gives you a Longer Lasting Erection Increases your Enjoyment and Confidence when Making Love Increase her Enjoyment, Satisfaction and Desire.

How Vitamin E Works?

ONLY ME SPRAY FOR MAN is the only spray in the world with added Vitamin E which nourishes and activates the cells. As the vitamin is a natural one, it will be very easily absorbed to stimulate and increase the cells’ energy.

Uses. Climax for men is a spray to enhance the sexual performance of men dealing with issues like premature ejaculation. Climax for men is used to keep the penis erect for longer times and can even be used by people looking to delay their climax during intercourse.
How do you use just me delay spray?
Shake container well. Hold the container 5 to 10 cms away from the glans of the penis with arrow of the spray pump pointing towards the area of application. Press the pump 3-4 times to spray ONLY ME on the glans. Apply on the Head of the penis & nerves on the back side of the penis.

When using delay spray, always apply it sparingly. A little goes a long way! You may also want to avoid using too much if you’re with someone for the first time, as they may not be used to your taste or smell.

ONLY ME SPRAY FOR MAN is applied to the head of the penis 10-15 minutes before sexual activity. It is designed to help men last longer in bed by reducing sensitivity.

WARNING! delay spray should not be used more than once a day and should not be used if you have irritation or a rash on your penis. If you experience any of these symptoms after using delay spray, discontinue use and consult a doctor.

How Only ME Spray Works?

Ejaculation is a function of psychic & Friction Impulses, Premature Ejaculation indicates the gap between a person’s expectations & his actual performance, Use of Only ME increases the sensitivity threshold to bring slow & lasting pleasure due to delay in ejaculation. Thus ONLY ME assists in improving the sex for both the partners.

Directions for use:

Shake container well. Hold the container 5 to 10 CMS away from the glans of the penis with arrow of the spray pump pointing towards the area of application. Press the pump 3-4 times to spray ONLY ME on the glans. Apply on the Head of the penis & nerves on the back side of the penis. For perfect result do not touch the applied area well for 5-7 minutes before the sexual intercourse.

Contra – Indications & Side Effects:

ONLY ME SPRAY FOR MAN is generally safe and has no side effects, However local anesthetics should not be given to people with myasthenia gravis, epilepsy, impaired cardiac conditions or liver damage.


12 gm Aluminum can each with metered dose valve, delivers Lidocaine.

For External Use Only.

Each application not to exceed; 10 metered sprays, Discontinue use if irritation develops. Wash off after intercourse. Do not spray in eyes or nostrils.

Only Me Spray

शीघ्रपतन एक सामान्य स्थिति है जो एक समय या किसी अन्य पर लाखों (75 प्रतिशत) पुरुषों को प्रभावित करती है।
केवल ME (विलंब स्प्रे) की सिफारिश किसी को भी होती है, जिसे शीघ्रपतन के कारण पूर्ण यौन संतुष्टि प्राप्त करने में कठिनाई होती है। प्यार करने से पांच मिनट पहले ही छिड़काव करना संवेदनशीलता को कम कर देता है जो आपको एक लंबे समय तक टिकने में मदद करता है जब आपका प्यार उसके आनंद, संतुष्टि और इच्छा को बढ़ाता है तो आपका आनंद और आत्मविश्वास बढ़ जाता है।



इस्तेमाल केलिए निर्देश

कंटेनर को अच्छी तरह से हिलाएं। आवेदन के क्षेत्र की ओर इशारा करते हुए स्प्रे पंप के तीर के साथ कंटेनर को 5 से 10 सेंटीमीटर दूर रखें। ग्लैन्स पर केवल ME स्प्रे करने के लिए पंप को 3-4 बार दबाएं। लिंग के शीर्ष पर स्थित शिश्न और नसों के शीर्ष पर लागू करें। सही परिणाम के लिए संभोग से पहले 5-7 मिनट के लिए अच्छी तरह से लागू क्षेत्र को न छुएं।

सिर्फ बाहरी उपयोग के लिए

प्रत्येक अनुप्रयोग से अधिक नहीं; अगर जलन विकसित होती है तो 10 मीटर्ड स्प्रे, डिस्चार्ज का उपयोग करें। संभोग के बाद धो लें। आंखों या नथुनों में स्प्रे न करें।


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